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Our passion is electronic document management.
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- Docman 10 Blog
- Docman Academy
- Docman and the Clinical Document Architecture frameworks
- Docman Connect
- Docman Connect ROI Calculator
- Docman Dictate
- Docman is a cloud based platform for managing clinical content within healthcare organizations
- Docman Share
- Docman Workflow Optimisation
- EDT Configuration Form
- Epson Scanners
- Fujitsu Scanners
- Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust send over 300,000 letters through Docman Hub
- How can we help with your sustainability and transformation plans?
- How Docman Connect Works
- How Docman Dictate works
- IG and Data Security Essentials Assessment
- Independent Providers – Arrange a meeting
- Integrated Care between Social and Healthcare
- iWorkflow webinars
- Our Technologies
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- Supporting CCGs
- Supporting CCGs – How can we help?
- Supporting Sustainability & Transformation Plans
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- What we’ve been up to
- A Guide to Docman for Practice Managers
- About Docman
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- How Docman 10 works
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- iWorkflow
- iWorkflow webinar – more information
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- Maintaining Docman, Reporting and Non-patient documents
- Our Customers
- Our passion is electronic document management
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- What we do
- Revolutionising the transfer of care between and within healthcare organisations
- Docman GP Customer Support
- Secondary Care Customer Support