Mdsas choose Docman Connect to streamline their electronic referrals
Docman is delighted to announce Mdsas, an Independent Provider, has chosen Docman Connect to deliver correspondence securely and digitally.
Docman is delighted to announce Mdsas, an Independent Provider, has chosen Docman Connect to deliver correspondence securely and digitally.
Docman are pleased to announce Epson as our most recent partner to integrate the Epson scanning range with the Docman platform.
No longer should organisations send paper to GPs. Ric Thompson, Managing Director, Docman tackles a real issue recently highlighted by The Times.
You’ve heard of our National Docman Conferences, but you’re still unsure whether to attend? Here’s 5 key reasons why you can’t afford not to.
Docman 10 saves GPs up to 40 minutes per day. With the stretched resources across the healthcare economy, can you afford to bypass this valuable opportunity?
It’s one thing hearing about how good Docman 10 is, but it’s another thing seeing it for yourself! So why don’t you do just that at our National Docman Conferences 2018?
Providing all healthcare settings access to the latest revision of a patient’s medical documents
We already cannot wait for you to see what we have in store for 2018 but first, as 2017 has drawn to a close, let’s round up the year.
Why do GPs and other Healthcare settings need the latest revision of a patient’s documents?
Docman are fully committed to supporting the NHS Transfer of Care initiative and the emerging standards associated with the Clinical Documentation Architecture (FHIR) frameworks ready for when the principle GP suppliers can receive FHIR.