The exciting Docman and EMIS Health collaboration is well positioned to support the future direction of Informatics in the area.
Docman and EMIS Health presented a best practice example of the transfer of care process which utilises the systems across the region, providing interoperability and joined-up healthcare for providers, healthcare professionals and patients. This included a case study on the achievements in the area and the future roadmap to support the regional plans towards delivering the NHS Five Year Forward View.
The presentation included an update on Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust utilising Docman Hub to send letters to GP practices electronically and directly into Docman GP at a Practice to quickly process. The Trust is currently sending Discharge Summaries, A&E letters and Maternity letters to GP practices through Docman Hub.
The Trust has now connected its Docman Hub with the Docman Hub at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust and the Spire Healthcare Docman Hub. This enables letters to be sent to all of the connected GP practices, increasing the volume of electronic letters sent to practices outside of the local area. Blackpool and Morecambe Bay went live transmitting letters between Docman Hubs in May, all which would have previously been sent by paper.
To further increase the number of documents transmitted, the platform is now relaying messages from the LPRES (Lancashire Patient Record Exchange System) platform through the Docman Hub and to the connected GP practices across Blackpool, Lancashire and Fylde and Wyre.
Docman also showcased Docman 10, the next generation in clinical content management and workflow. Docman 10 provides complete access to documents and data from anywhere at any time, supporting new care models and ways of working, accessed through a web browser.
The presentation showcased the technology underpinning a full circle transfer of care process, including when a patient is discharged from a Hospital to GP, a patient is referred to Hospital by a GP and when a patient is seen out of hours by a GP Federation Service. EMIS continued the journey and presented how patients can have access to information through Patient Access.