“We were initially very scared of letting our paper documents go following our move to Docman; however we can now appreciate and see the benefits Docman has brought to our practice in terms of auto-filing, the advanced iWorkflow module and receive electronic documents directly from the hospital.
Since we started using Intellisense we are able to file all our post on the same day. This now allows us to turnaround the documents within 24 hours. Before Docman, manually filing all the post could take us up to a week to process.
Using iWorkflow and in particular the Quick Steps, we can efficiently send documents around the practice; this has helped us eliminate paper documents getting lost or mislaid.
EDT allows us to receive electronic discharge letters from the hospital directly into Docman. We are then able to instantly workflow these letters straight into the chosen Doctor’s inbox, saving us a lot of time compared to the manual filing process we used to have before Docman.”