Grove House Practice in Runcorn use Docman with their EMIS Web clinical system.
Utilising Docman’s electronic document transfer module, the practice receive clinical letters from two local hospitals.
Joanne Hughes, Deputy Practice Manager has been using Docman in the practice since 2010. “Implementing Docman was a great move for us, we could clearly see the benefits. Docman offers so much more than just scanning.”
“We use Docman as our complete document management solution and thanks to iWorkflow we don’t pass any physical paper around the practice.”
“Docman provides a slicker process and is much less labour intensive than our previous way of working. Documents no longer ‘go adrift’ and we have a full audit trail to show where documents are.”
“The whole practice benefits from Docman at all user levels. Everyone from our scanners to our GPs appreciate Docman. We use it every day and completely depend on it.”
The practice benefits from two Docman Hubs which allow them to receive electronic documents. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust currently deliver patient letters such as Discharge Summaries and A&E Outpatient documents.
In January St Helens and Knowsley sent over 18,000 patient letters to 78 practices, ensuring that documents are received within 24 hours after an event. Neil Darvill, Director of Informatics at the Trust explains “By delivering documents in to Docman it removes the scanning process, practices benefit from pre-populated filing fields and the document is sharply workflowed. A practice can also electronically summarise and code the letter to ensure data quality through a simple process.”
Joanne comments on the time savings achieved with Docman; “It has brought great time savings to our practice. It’s hard to imagine the process before Docman.”
The practice also benefit from Intellisense, the clinical content recognition software, used to improve the speed and filing of patient letters. “We can see time savings and efficiencies with Intellisense which we use to help with our filing.”
“Overall, we think Docman is an essential tool in any General Practice setting. It has greatly improved our processes.”