PCTI, the document management and workflow specialist have been successfully involved in three Interoperability Toolkit (ITK) proof of concept projects. The consortiums demonstrated the successful send and receive of real discharge summaries between different systems in accordance with ITK standards witnessed by CfH.
PCTI’s role was to communicate with ITK middleware and make documents available at the GP practice. EDT hooks into current processes within GP practices, delivering an electronic document into the centre of the GP’s current business process that is the Docman workflow. The solution ensures an easy transition from receiving hard copy discharge summaries to electronic copies.
Philip Young, director at PCTI Solutions, “Discharge documents are received by the GP practice via Docman EDT and can be work-flowed around practices using Docman. We have found practices embrace it, not only because they receive correspondence much quicker but also because embedded data allows auto-patient matching and filing into the clinical record with minimal user intervention.”
“Trusts will be able to deploy compliant ITK Discharge Summary systems and have a working solution very quickly indeed. Not only will this give them a comprehensive discharge solution, the Toolkit standards remove the headaches normally associated with interoperability, particularly where several systems are involved. This successful outcome should fuel greater uptake of the Toolkit and encourage development of new message