The surgery implemented Docman over a year ago which was fully funded under the new GPSoC framework as part of their strategy to become paper light.The practice use Docman alongside their EMIS Web clinical system. The Practice Manager Tracy Dell was very excited about how Intellisense and EDT (Electronic Document Transfer) modules of Docman GP would radically speed up their processes and increase the level of accuracy when managing and filing patient letters. The surgery also uses BackOffice for more efficient management of their non-clinical documents, such as policies and procedures.
‘The ease of which letters can be actioned by staff in the practice by using Quick Steps means there is less manual input and reduces the clicks required by GP’s to process documents. It means our GPs can spend more time on seeing patients than processing letters.’
Tracey Dell, Practice Manager
Filing patient letters
EDT allows the practice to automatically receive patient letters electronically from Calderdale Royal Hospital. Tracey told us about her previously lengthy process. ‘Before we had to manually extract the documents from a folder, search for the patient file, add the description information and then file the letter into our clinical system.’ Now all electronic documents are collected automatically and are ready for filing.
Read the full story here