Docman Hub is an electronic postal service for the secure delivery of letters between any healthcare provider, removing the need for stamps, envelopes and other associated costs. Webinar: How you can save valuable time and money with Docman Hub

Webinar: How you can save valuable time and money with Docman Hub

Join us on our free ‘How you can save valuable time and money with Docman Hub’ webinar on Friday 28th August.

Click here to register.

Alternatively email with the following;

  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Organisation

Over 120 NHS Trusts use Docman Hub to send and receive a variety of clinical and non-clinical documents in a safe and secure way, ensuring timely delivery with a full audit trail.

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW) reports a saving of around 50 pence for each patient letter sent electronically, with further additional time savings both for the Trust and Primary Care by removing the processes of handling paper.

Click here to read the full case study.

Additional information on the benefits of Docman Hub and how it can be used to send and receive clinical correspondence electronically can be found here.

If you would like to find out more or discuss how Docman can support your organisation to meet the discharge summary target call us on 01977 66 44 96 or email

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