Ashfields Primary Care Centre Case Study

iWorkflow redefines the way in which Docman delivers documents around the practice, introducing new concepts which speeds-up workflow processing.

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Ashfields Primary Care Centre use iWorkflow to save time on daily tasks.

iWorkflow redefines the way in which Docman delivers documents around the practice, introducing new concepts which speeds-up workflow processing.GP

Dr Neil Paul from Ashfield’s Primary Care Centre, one of the sites to successfully pilot iWorkflow comments, “The interface for iWorkflow is excellent, having a clean feel and being much easier to use. It’s obvious a lot of attention has gone into the development of the module to improve processes and create some fantastic productivity gains. Users can simply assign actions which automatically routes with far fewer mouse clicks than ever before. After initially using the software and its interface, I have highly recommended it to colleagues.”

“It’s not just Doctors who benefit. My scanning and coding teams have also seen clear productivity benefits since distributing documents via iWorkflow. One example is the ability to automatically workflow to a patient’s usual GP rather than manually looking up in the clinical system. This seemly small addition saves a huge amount of time over the course of the week and allows us to spend more time on patient care rather than administration.”

PCTI’s extensive analysis of user interactions within document workflow, specifically on screen buttons and controls, resulted in 65 menu options being removed without losing any functionality. The new easy to use interface puts more of the information you need on screen at the appropriate time, whilst performing steps much quicker.

Philip Young, Development Director, PCTI, “we are extremely committed to our 6,000+ GP Practices, and are continually looking at ways to improve document handling and collaboration. We are delighted with iWorkflow™ and the immediate impact it has had for our practices piloting and developing the solution with us. The level of interest generated so far highlights the demand for truly intelligent workflow system and we’re really excited about the prospect of making it available to our entire user base.”